Voter Information for March 5 Elections

Barre Auditorium, where in person voting takes place. Photo from the City's website.

There are 3 separate elections occurring on Town Meeting Day March 5. The presidential political primary, the Barre Unified School District annual meeting, and the Central Vermont Career Center annual meeting. 

For the presidential primary, voters must choose a Republican or Democratic ballot to vote on nominations for political party presidential candidate. The clerk is required by law to record which ballot a voter requests. 17 year olds that will be 18 by the Nov. 5 election can vote in the presidential primary ONLY.

The second election is the Barre Unified Union School District annual meeting. Both Barre City and Barre Town voters will vote on the school district budget and 2 school board seats in each municipality. In Barre City, there is a 3 year school board seat and a 2 year remaining of a 3 year term board seat. Barre Town will be electing two people to 3 year school board seats.

Finally, there is also a vote on the budget for the Central Vermont Career Center. Barre City and Barre Town are members of the multi-town career center district. The district will be electing a board member to a three year term from the Washington Central Unified Union School district.

Voters have multiple ways to vote. Online, voters can log into their My Voter Page and request their ballots. Voters can contact the city or town clerk to have a ballot mailed to them as well. Polls will be open on Tuesday, March 5 in both the city and the town from 7 am to 7 pm. City voters can vote that day at the Auditorium and Town voters can vote at the Barre Town Elementary School.